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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Hemorrhoids Treatment - The Natural Way

Over 150 million of the living people in America today will experience some kind of hemorrhoids by the age of 50. Most will do nothing about it. Only 500,000 are expected to seek help this year. It is a crazy statistic, because for most people, hemorrhoids can be prevented and cured by making a few simple changes to lifestyle, diet and the use of an anti-inflammatory gel/cream.

There are 2 types of hemorrhoids, internal and external, both of which left unchecked can lead to more severe cases, and ultimately surgery. But that is if you do nothing about it. And there is not much to look forward to if you need surgery. Surgery is an excruciatingly painful experience, especially post-op. Many patients have reported days, if not weeks of pain during the healing period after surgery. 

You see the outer rectum is one of the most sensitive parts of the body, and the most prevalent surgeries involve burning off hemorrhoids, or banding (tying a band around the affected area until it drops off) which leaves the area extremely tender, and when the patient needs to have a bowel movement, the pain can be even more excruciating than the hemorrhoids ever were.

But that is what happens if you do NOT attend to your hemorrhoids early. And considering that one of the major causes of hemorrhoids is from straining during bowel movements due to poor diet/lifestyle, and then there really is no reason that most sufferers can't avoid getting more/worse hemorrhoids. 

That is, most people strain during a bowel movement because the stool (feces) has become hard and requires a lot of pushing and straining. Simple changes to diet and lifestyle can improve regularity and reduce painful 'straining' bowel movements, and thus wipe-out the cause of hemorrhoids.

This is where the health of your colon kicks in. The colon (large intestine) can hold anywhere between 6-40lbs of fecal matter in the average adult. People who experience regular bowel movements (at least once daily), typically have a lot less of this fecal matter in their system, and quite obviously people who are less 'regular' have a lot more in their system. 

The colon, the last major part of the digestive system, actually draws a lot of water out of the fecal matter (stool) before it reaches the rectum. If the stool spends too much time in the colon, or if your diet is missing some key foods, then too much water is drawn out of the stool, and this is when you experience a hard bowel movement that requires straining and pushing....resulting in hemorrhoids. 

There is much debate about what causes the stool to spend more time in the colon and thus become harder, but most agree that a clean and clear colon will assist in helping the stool to move freely and smoothly through the intestine. Couple this a diet rich in water and fiber (which assists in making the stool softer and easier to pass) and you're on the right path towards reducing the cause of hemorrhoids.

Exercise is another major factor in improving you inner health. Many experts believe that exercise assists in speeding up our metabolic rate which actually sees our digestive system work quick, thus resulting in 'regularity' and less fecal matter sitting virtually idle in the digestive system (colon).

So if you have a diet that incorporates a lot of fiber (wholemeal breads/cereal and fruits), you drink ample water (6-8 glasses daily) and you partake in regular exercise, then you could well be on your way towards improving your inner health, improving your bowel-movement regularity and reducing your hemorrhoids.

And for many people who are already 'dealing' with hemorrhoids, the use of an anti-inflammatory cream/gel can be the first step in helping to cure, and rid themselves of their hemorrhoids. Poor diet, laziness and lack of hydrating fluids are CAUSES of hemorrhoids, so making improvements in these areas will probably help to ease the current hemorrhoids, but will NOT FULLY CURE the sufferer. 

The use of an anti-inflammatory will assist here (in most cases) by soothing the affected area, and also helping with circulation in the rectum area. These products act as a kind of decongestant in the rectum by reducing the swelling, which naturally brings with it better blood circulation in the veins, which in turn helps to diminish the size and existence of the hemorrhoids. 

There's a lot more to learn about hemorrhoids, and you can do it at http://www.hemorrhoid-relief.com

In Alternative Medicine

Why are Reverse Mergers Often the Victims of Short Sellers?

There is a great deal of abuse going on in the OTC Bulletin Board Market and a lot of money is being made as result of it. Regulators are trying to deal with the problem but are unable to put a halt to it, unless they take drastic steps which will be detrimental to the small and micro-cap market.

The small and micro-cap market is an essential part in bringing small and mid-size companies public through Reverse merger and Regulation D (504) offering, these are the two most popular methods used by small and mid-size companies to go public.

This two avenues are prefer by small and mid size companies because they simpler and less expensive than the traditional IPO, It can be refer to as a simplified fast track method by which a private company can become a public company.

I described the process in detail how small and mid-size companies can go public in previous articles, if you miss them, you can email me and I will be happy to explain it.

I have over 25 years of experience in the securities industry as market maker and trader. In my own brokerage firm and with a couple of the largest wholesalers in Wall Street. I believe my experience qualify me to write on the subject with clarity and honesty from a birds eye view.

I believe in short selling as a legitimate way of providing liquidity to the market as an essential part market making, that is not what I am referring to.

A short position is established when somebody sells a stock they do not own hoping to be able to buy it back at a later day for a lower price.

There are several reasons why selling short the stock of companies that have gone public through a reverse merger is profitable and easy, I will identify them and suggest ways that this can be stopped once all for all without affecting the legitimate short seller who are willing to sell and bear the risks associated with carrying a short position. Reason number one (1). 

Corporate shells, in order for an operating private company to go public in a Reverse merger it must merger with a public shell. A public shell is what remains when a public company is bankrupt or liquidated, also some shell are created as Blank Check companies,

A Blank Check company has shareholder and maybe some cash in its books but nothing else, they are created by enterprising entrepreneurs for the sole purpose of merging an operating private company into it.

What happens is that when the shell owner sell the shell to the private company he retains 5-15% of the shares for himself, on top of collecting any where upward of $500,000.00 for himself. And even if he signed and agreement not to sell for a year, most of these people can not be trusted and will at some point dump the stock or have somebody create a short position in their behalf.

Solution: The shell owner must be made to sell the entire position and be content with the money, which in most cases represents an enormous profit. I don't have anything against anybody making a lot of money, I am all for it because I also stand to make a lot of money, I am against the way they do it

(2). The shareholder base: In order for a company be listed on the NASDAQ Small-Cap market or the OTC Bulletin Board it must have a specified number of shareholders to qualify for listing.

(2A). Improper due diligence: Prior to purchasing a shell the private company along with the consultant that they retain to assist them in the Reverse merger should do a complete review of the shareholder list. some of those shareholder may have excessive number of shares and the true beneficial owner may be the shell owner or the consultant himself, there are a lot of smooth talking wolves posing as consultant who are operating in conjunction with the shell owner.

Solution: First run the consultant's named and his previous employer through google and see if he has been convicted of any securities related crimes and has been barred from participating in any stock related transactions. Second write the regulator and request that consultants be required to have a website with their name on it, most of this unscrupulous character operate in a stealth manner so that regulators can't detect their activities.

Petition the Securities and Exchange commission requesting a reduction in the number of shareholders require for listing, and if a shell has too many shares outstanding don't buy it!

(3), Market Makers: Market makers in OTC Bulletin Board Securities are permitted to maintain a short position in securities that they are acting as market makers, but what some trader do is they register for a stock and go out sell stock on the bid (the price other market makers are willing to pay) and immediately cease to make a market in the stock and keep the short position.

Technically when a trader does this, he is circumventing the intent of the rule which allows market makers to short a stock in his role as a market maker.

Solution: Require traders to remain acting as market makers until they purchase the stock back, also regulators must make clearing agent to enforce the rules concerning the delivery of the securities on settlement or execute a buy in (buy the stock back and charge the seller) if the seller fails to deliver the stock within the prescribed period of time.

I believe that these reforms will go a long way in altering the climate for participant in Reverse merger, and in removing the vultures the prey on unsophisticated business owner from the market place.

But until the regulators act the responsibility is on the business owner to perform the proper research, if I sound like a crusader maybe that is because the industry has been good to me and I hate to see the vultures taking it over.

For additional information please visit:

In Stock Market

Set Goals to Increase Sales

It's unlikely that any successful person or company operates without goals. They may have one giant or lofty goal. They may have a series of smaller goals leading up to the ultimate achievement but success is built upon goals. Goals accomplish many things. Three of the primary accomplishments are:

Goals energize people and energetic people achieve more.
Goals signal the direction of the company and sales team.
Goals measure the achievement of the organization.
Do you know how to establish reasonable goals?

Follow this simple five-step plan to set goals to increase sales.

1. Start with national or company objectives.

You must know all metrics acceptable to sustain growth. Historical data should be considered in addition to the makeup, ability and desire of the entire sales organization. If the economy or governmental regulations impact your business you must consider them in your plan. Why not start at the bottom to establish goals? After all, don't salespeople have a better feel for potential and reality?

Scenario: Each sales representative assesses their territory, results from prior years, market share and potential. They "come up" with a projection and turn it in to the sales manager. They desire to hit their goals so they "sandbag". They decide to shave a few percentage points off the goals before submitting them. Other representatives apply the same logic. 

The Sales Manager adds up the goals and decides to act conservatively before communicating the projections to Senior Management. Believing the projections and the dire future they foretell, layoffs begin. Sales support and training get cut first. That's how a sales team can create a real problem.

2. Review territories and results to understand expectations and buying behavior.

Can you assess the impact of repeat or carryover business? Does your business fluctuate due to seasonality? Do you employ enough sales representatives to adequately serve the market? Can you quantify the effect of pending mergers and acquisitions? Did last year provide useful information?

3. Develop potential allocations to divide the national or company goal among the territories.

This may be done at the judgment of the sales manager. They may elect to use formulas based exclusively on prior sales. Or they may assess prior sales and market potential to determine territorial goals. Population of viable prospects and territories could be factors in establishing goals at the sales representative level.

4. Finalize the formula and process you plan to adopt.

Then you must test it by asking many questions that start with, "What if…?" What if mergers and acquisitions besiege your industry? What if a tropical storm causes catastrophic damage in your Southeast region? What if the largest account in each territory reduced the need for your product by only five percent? 

How would that affect your performance? Compare your plan to the performance last year. How would the new compensation plan have worked last year? Imagine you're a salesperson working under the proposed plan. Would it energize you? Would it move you to selling the right products? Is the plan aligned with company objectives?

5. Review the goals one more time and communicate them with the entire team and the department responsible for tracking and compensation. Schedule periodic reviews to assess achievement and progress.

Establishing goals is challenging. Poor goal setting leads to increased costs and can lower morale. If you sell in a volatile market you may consider goals with shorter time frames. In addition you should review them frequently and make adjustments as needed. Remember to communicate with the sales team the likelihood of this review as well as your solid business reasons for doing so. Understanding market potential allows you to reduce turbulence in the goal setting process. This is difficult in many business sectors but not impossible.

Goals based on business objectives and the markets are the most accurate. Strong sales managers are aware and recognize the difference in establishing goals for rewarding and recognizing employees and goals for use in performance evaluations.

Stack ranking sales representatives represents an alternative to setting goals although it is only fair if territories, opportunity and responsibility remain equitable.

Goals accomplish many things. They energize individuals and companies. They clearly communicate the direction of the company. Goal setting is a very integral component in the best selling organizations in the world. Do not trivialize this opportunity to increase sales.

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
Albert Einstein

In Sales

Information about steroids by shrenksonlinepharma

Like methandrostenolone (Dianabol), oxymetholone does not bind well to the androgen receptor (AR), and most of the anabolism it provides is via non-AR-mediated effects. It is therefore a Class II steroid and is best stacked with a Class I steroid. The drug appears to give the same benefits as dianabol. Unlike Dianabol, however, it seems that oxymetholone is progestagenic.
 It has been observed to cause nipple soreness or to aggravate gynecomastia even in the presence of high dose antiestrogens, strongly suggesting that the effect is not estrogenic. That effect can be reduced by concurrent use of stanozolol (Winstrol), which is anti-progestagenic. 
This progestagenic effect of oxymetholone is only a concern when using aromatizing steroids. With androgens such as Primobolan, oxymetholone stacks very nicely and is a surprisingly friendly drug. In contrast, with testosterone it is a very harsh drug.

Oxymetholone does not convert to estrogen, and thus antiestrogens are not required if no aromatizable AAS are being used. However, in concert with aromatizing drugs, oxymetholone is notorious for worsening "estrogenic" symptoms, possibly by producing progestagenic symptoms which the bodybuilder confuses as estrogenic, or by altering estrogen metabolism, or by upregulating aromatase.

Compared to what bodybuilders expect of it, the drug is reasonably mild when no aromatizing steroids are present. I consider its potency approximately comparable to Dianabol. It is not unusual for a first time user to do quite well on an oxymetholone-only cycle, but more advanced users will want to stack with another steroid. Typical use is 50-150 mg/day, which should be divided into several doses per day.

Because oxymetholone is 17-alkylated, it is stressful to the liver. It is better to limit use to no more than 6 weeks or preferably four weeks before taking a break of at least equal length. Many users feel that it is more effectively used in the beginning parts of the cycle, rather than in the last few weeks.

Trivial name Oxymetholone
Systematic name 5-alpha,17-beta-Androstan-3-one, 17-hydroxy-2-
CAS number 434-07-1
ATC code A14AA05
Merck Index Number 7036
Chemical formula C21H32O3
Molecular weight 332.477 g/mol
Bioavailability 95%
Metabolism Hepatic
Elimination half-life 9 hours
Excretion Urinary: 95%
Pregnancy category X
Routes of administration Oral

In Muscle Building

Miracle Glue and Wound Closure!

Have you ever heard of gluing a cut together? The first time I heard about this I was somewhat shocked. I was selling a product called Miracle Glue at trade shows. I had people telling all the outrageous stories possible about the origins of cyanoacrylates (superglue) - Miracle Glue is in the same category. 

The prevailing story was that superglue had been invented in the Vietnam era for soldiers. It was more effective than bandages in sealing up a cut or wound closure. I researched this pretty thoroughly and found that although these types of glues were used in Vietnam and later for suturing wounds, "super glue" was "discovered" much earlier.

Cyanoacrylates were stumbled upon by a couple of gentleman at Eastman-Kodak in the 1940's then again in the 50's. These gentlemen were experimenting on scopes for rifles and cyanoacrylate was one of their mistakes. The first cyanoacrylates that were formed were ethyl and methyl. 

In the 1970s n-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate then 2-octyl cyanoacrylate were developed, the latter being approved by the FDA and marketed as such products as Traumaseal and Dermabond. The butyl and octyl being less irritating to the skin. The earlier ones will do the job just not as comfortably. I have had numerous people tell me that they have used all types of cyanoacrylates this way.

Now, though my family is loaded with doctors, I am not one. Though I cannot advise one to use glue for this sort of thing, I can tell you some interesting stories that have been sent to me. Here is one from 3-4 years ago:


I bought a little bottle of your Miracle Glue at a gun show in Portland back in June thinking from the demonstration that it would be a good thing to have when I was out hunting and fishing for all those instant repairs that seem to always come up. Well, it ends up that your little glue saved my trip. I would say life, but that would be a little too dramatic.

I was on a solo fly-in canoe trip to Quetico Provincial Forest in Northern Ontario far north of the Minnesota Boundary Waters Canoe Area. I've been told many times I am crazy for flying in hundreds of miles alone and far from no where and no body, but sometimes I just feel like being alone with nature to get my world back in perspective. I grew up in such places so I feel totally confident of my abilities and besides, the fishing is great and the bears scare easily.

I am four days out on a 10 day trip and spin casting a reed bed for trophy Northerns[Northern Pike]. My lure gets hit like a freight train and I finally fight the monster into my canoe. I am trying to snap a quick arms length picture to record the moment and release the trophy when the fish jerks out of my hand which is holding him by the gills and begins to go nuts in the bottom of the canoe. 

Things happen very quickly. I yank out the pliers and manage to get the lure out and as I am trying to settle the fish to release it I go to make my grab and it grabs me instead by the hand. I manage to hold it by the gills and twist my hand out (not fun, easy or pretty but luckily I had on heavy leather gloves) but now the fish is all tangled in my heavy line and all I want is this sucker out of my canoe. I yank out my filet knife and go to cut the back side of the line to toss it overboard.

Just as I go to cut the line the fish thrashes out of my hand landing on my other hand forcing the filet knife across my left thigh and I can tell I've been cut pretty bad right away. Screw the fish, I bang him on the head with the handle of the boat oar and head back to camp. (I ate my fill and left his huge head on a broken limb of a pine tree.)

When I get there I take a peak and there is a nice 7" long deep slice right down the top of my thigh. Luckily, I keep my filet knife razor sharp so it is a clean straight cut. I am not relishing the thought consuming my weeks whiskey stock, boiling fishing line and doing a hand sew job on my leg. I remember reading something about medical use of glue and figure it is worth a try before a hack job self suturing.

I take out the Miracle Glue I bought, clean up the wound area, dab it as dry as I can and then slowly glue the wound shut using some hemostats I use for removing hooks. It worked nicely and held the wound together. 

I dabbed some more and finished until the bleeding stopped. I waited and then added a thin line seal when done for extra hold. After, I covered it with gauze and kept it covered the rest of the trip. The wound didn't get very infected and after the glue came off I just put an antiseptic cream on it for several days and even that went away.

Great job with the glue, feel free to send me some more. Regards, Jeff J."Cyanoacrylate can be used for paper cuts, immediately closing the wound. I have also had several people tell me they have used it successfully when they get very dry skin and the skin on the ends
of their fingers split. Put a drop on and by the time it wears off after a couple of days the split has sealed up.

In Medicine

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