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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Are You Stricken With Chronic Inflammatory Arthritis?

Arthritis generally comes in two forms osteoarthritis and inflammatory-arthritis. For this article we will discuss inflammatory-arthritis and natural herbal alternatives for reducing swelling and pain. The popular option for controlling arthritis pain is taking prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; these drugs have been linked to cardiovascular, kidney and liver disease. 
If that doesn't sound appealing, natural alternatives are available for inflammatory arthritis. Herbs like boswellia, ginger, skullcap, turmeric, acacia, hops, holy basil, feverfew, and white willow bark. Fortunately supplement manufacturers have learned about the anti-inflammatory properties of these herbs and do make them in various combinations to help relieve swelling and pain.

The first one on the list is boswellia, has a long history of use as a mild anti-inflammatory herb for joint pain and stiffness, and noted by herbalists of its effectiveness. The primary compound in boswellia known for its anti-inflammatory affect is boswellic acid, when purchasing boswellia always looks for products standardized to boswellic acid. Ginger root has been known for its anti-inflammatory affects as well, ginger inhibits the production of the immune-system components called cytokines which cause inflammation in the body. 
Ginger is also known as a COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor in suppressing prostaglandin synthesis which would reduce inflammation in the body. Ginger also stimulates circulation helping the body bring vital blood and nutrients to the inflamed areas of the body. Skullcap is used in traditional Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory herb. Turmeric also known as Cur cumin has been used in Asia, India, and china, central and south America as an anti-inflammatory herb for many years.
 The curcuminoids in turmeric has been clinically proven to reduce inflammation. Turmeric is also a potent antioxidant good for fighting free radical damage which tends to cause inflammation in the body. Acacia and hops are both traditionally used for inflammation and pain. Feverfew since the first century has been used for the treatment of headaches, fever, menstrual discomfort, arthritis, and other aches and pains. According to a clinical trial study in England, feverfew when taken for three to four months can reduce the severity and frequency of migraines and other sorts of pain.
Feverfew acts in a manner like the class of pain relievers known as COX-2 inhibitors, feverfew also reduces the absorption of thymidine by white blood cells, this will reduce the rate at which leukotrienes is produced which is a inflammatory chemical in the body. Finally, white willow bark has been used like aspirin as a pain killer with out the aspirin side effects. 
White willow has been used for fever, colds, minor infections, acute and chronic rheumatic disorders, mild headaches, and pain caused by inflammation. According to a clinical study done on white willow bark in England, researchers at the center for Complementary Health Studies at the University of Exeter gave eighty two participants with chronic arthritic pain either Reumalex, herbal supplement with white willow, or placebo. After two months the white willow herb proved to be superior to the placebo pill
This is by far a complete list of herbs good for reducing inflammation in the body but it is a good start to help you on your way to recovering from inflammatory arthritis. As always, the statements in this article are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure or prevent disease please consult your health care physician before discontinuing medication or introducing herbs into your diet if you are currently on medication of any kind.

The Courage to Say Yes

In a culture full of reasons to say ``no,'' it takes a lot of courage to find ways to say ``yes.''

We're taught to say ``no'' from a very young age, after all. For most of us, our first word was ``no'', and it quickly became our favorite word. As toddlers and teenagers, we used ``no'' to differentiate ourselves from our parents, peers, and surroundings. It's how we began to control what was happening around us, or at least, how we tried to control that. It helped us over those early developmental hurdles, and gave us our earliest sense of our personal boundaries -- and that's a lot of significance bound up in such a tiny word!

The problem isn't that ``no'' in and of itself is somehow bad; indeed, giving yourself permission to say "no" as an adult can keep you out of an awful lot of trouble.

The problem is that ``No'' begins to take on a life of its own. Too often, that life is yours.

Life is change, and ``no'' becomes a way of slowing down that change, or trying to stop it altogether. It is a shield we use to protect ourselves from having to experience anything new or different. Rather than riding the wave of change into a life full of exhilarating possibilities, we use ``no'' as a tether to keep us safely confined to the kiddie pool.

Using ``no'' to protect ourselves from change is like a kitten poking its head under covers, assuming it's completely hidden. Change is going to happen, whether you say "no" to it or not. And, just like that kitten, assuming that "no" protects you from change is one sure way to have it pounce on you and bite your tail.
Let's be honest here: We usually say ``no'' out of fear, and some fears are entirely reasonable. It's sensible to say ``no'' to jumping off a bridge or ``no'' to cake if you are diabetic. These ``no's'' aren't the ones that keep us from living lives of incredible satisfaction and happiness. It's those silly, neurotic fears like fearing rejection, or of looking stupid, or being wrong.

It's the fear of commitment, the fear of speaking out, and the fear of facing our truest, deepest desires. The list is nauseatingly long, and we've all bought into some of these at least once. These fears have shaped our lives, often to our detriment and sometimes to the detriment of those around us.

So the next time you're faced with something new and exciting and all those little neurotic fears start rioting inside you, what does it take to fight down a ``no'' and say ``yes'' instead?

In a word: Courage.

Like the Cowardly Lion (an archetype for the fear-ridden) we need to find our courage. Unlike him, we know that we have to face our fears, and find our courage within. Inside each of us beats a brave, fiercely courageous heart, willing to take on a challenge if it means that life afterward will be more authentic, happier, and freer. What better challenges to tackle than the fears that keep us chained to our tiny, boring, closeted little lives?

Do yourself a favor: Right now, identify and tackle at least one of those inner fears. Find a reason to say "yes" today, and every day. You've only your inner coward to lose!

Life is a Gift, Open and Enjoy It

There is a bottle of perfume sitting on my dresser that I was given when I was ten years old! As you can tell I have pack rat tendencies! For me that pattern started as a young child. I could never bear to throw things away. There was more to it than not wanting to throw things away. I loved the feeling I had when I would receive something new, and would not want to spoil it by using it unless it was for something special.

I would want to save it for a special occasion. A new dress would sit in the closet, until a special event to wear it. Perfume would sit on my dresser, not to be used for everyday, but for a special 'something'. This was a pattern in my life for many years. Recently though I've realized that this is not the best perspective to live life. I don't want to be like that woman on the Titanic, who when was being lowered into the lifeboat said…"If I'd known this was going to happen I would have had that Chocolate Mousse dessert.

" This reflects a view of life that speaks a lie. It is a false belief that if I enjoy something now, I won't be able to look forward to anything good like that in the future. This belief steals the joy from living in the present, and also lies to me about what the future might hold. Often it takes sad or traumatic situation to cause a person to stop and take stock their life's perspective and lifestyle. For example, let me tell you how it happened for Ruth.

One day, out of the blue, Ruth got one of those devastating 'phone calls' that we all dread receiving. Her sister Jane had passed away unexpectedly. Ruth went over to the home to help her brother in law with the sad task of preparation for the funeral. They were in the bedroom deciding on clothes Jane would wear as she was laid to rest. He pulled out of the drawer some beautiful lingerie wrapped in tissue. 

Ruth gasped as she saw the astronomical cost on the price tag. "Jane bought this in Paris 8 or 9 years ago. She never wore it. She was saving it for a special occasion. I guess this is it." he said. It was exquisitely, handmade in silk, with a delicate cobweb of lace .As he slammed the drawer shut he said something that changed Ruth's life for ever. "Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Every day you're alive is a special occasion! 

After the funeral, Ruth began to evaluate her life from a different perspective. She began to see life as something to be enjoyed not endured. Ruth started to make changes, although small at first, for Ruth they had great significance. She sat in the garden more and didn't worry about the weeds. She wore expensive perfume on ordinary days, after all co workers and cashiers have noses that function just as well as party goers! She lit that candle that had been sitting as a centre piece on the dining room table collecting dust. 

She got that cracked window fixed, that she'd been meaning to do for years. She invited those friends round for dinner that she'd seen at the last sixteen weddings, and said we must get together.  Ruth determined that she would live each day as if it was her last. Now every morning when Ruth opens her eyes, she tells herself that this day is special. Every day, every breath, every minute of her life is truly a gift from God.

Your life perspective changes when you start living each day as if it was your last. You start to look at all the things that you want to accomplish in life and actually get started!! You stop watching everyone else doing it. Have the courage to start thinking "It's my turn now" and do what is in your heart. Grandma Moses began a painting career at age seventy six. Golda Meir was elected Prime Minister of Israel in 1969 at age seventy one.

I recently met a lady in her eighties who, in the last two years, had been white-water rafting, and hiking in the Himalayas. She was excitedly planning her next trip!
Don't wait years, or until something traumatic happens to get your attention. Start now to reflect on your life's perspective and begin living without regrets.

I love this quote by Peter Sage, speaker and entrepreneur :

Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, "Wow - What a Ride!"

Insect Destroyers of the Underworld

It's hard to believe that an insect around 1/8" long could do so much damage to a house that may look solid on the outside but in fact is crumbling on the inside. We are talking termites here, those tiny creatures that may go unseen for years until someone (an inspector maybe?) comes looking for them. The thing to remember is that termites work very slowly so it may take several years to do any serious damage to a house, so don't worry too much until the condition can be assessed. 

As a mater of fact there are very few cases where termite infestation has caused extensive damage to a home and even then it was repairable, replacing only infected parts.  You could say we ('we' meaning developers) brought this problem upon ourselves when we tore down wooded areas to build our houses. There sole diet is cellulose, the main ingredient of wood. Not all termites live in houses because they use it as a food source and carry it to their colony underground layer.

The sneaky little devils can always find a way into a house from there base of operations underground. Just like the great escape (ever see the movie?) they built there access tunnels along pipes, through spaces between bricks or any gap that leads to the house. All they need is 1/32nd of an inch to squeeze past so it is always relatively easy to find a way in.  Now that we know what they are, where they live and what they do for a living, let me go into some ways of exterminating them. Right now there are a few chemical termiticides professional exterminators use directly into the soil around the house as a protective barrier before termites can get in.

Another way is to uses a less toxic chemical that is applied to the soil in small amounts over a long period of time. This chemical is put in small boxes or tubes with food like wood particles or paper and buried around the house. The theory here is that scout or forger termites will eat the food and carry some back to the colony where it is shared and the others will drop dead – don't worry it is slow acting, giving them time to go back home! In both cases because many termites do not actually live in the house, just carry the food back to the colonies, barrier protection outside is the usual treatment. The only way termites will stay in the house is if there is a steady source of water like a leaky pipe or even condensation, anyway most like it dark and damp. 

As with many insects and the animal world as well, termites are broken down into different categories like subterranean termites that live and bred underground, establish colonies and develop there own 'caste' system where some are bred to work or be shoulders and a king and queen that do nothing but reproduce (lucky insects!). Another type of termite does live in the house, that's the dry-wood ones that live in the south and southwest. The wood they live in does not have to be rotted or even water damaged, in fact these particular insects like it dry and new – they have no respect for the house at all! For these types of terminates, control must be done on site where they live.

Holes are drilled into wood members at or near the colony and injected with an insecticide which can be a liquid or in powder form. In extreme cases the whole is wrapped in plastic and fumigated – not a pretty site.  Termites will always be with us in one place or another for two simple reasons – they are so hard to find and exterminating them can be even more difficult, depending where they live.

Turn Back the Clock - Antioxidant Best Food That Slow the Aging Process

As we grow older, we often wish we could turn back the clock and have the vitality of your younger days. In this article you will learn what is the best food that slows down the aging process, but first you have to learn what happens to your body when you grow older.

Free radicals pose one of the greatest threats to our health, as we grow older. Free radicals are renegade, unstable oxygen molecules that collide with other particles and tissues in our bodies. When there are too many free radicals in your body, they run wild attacking not only unhealthy but also healthy parts of the body. This causes such diseases as heart disease and cancer.

Antioxidants have been found to be a successful shield against these free radicals. They alter cancer growth and act as ant carcinogens. Antioxidants are chemical substances that donate an electron to a free radical and convert it to a molecule that is harmless. Antioxidants intercept free radicals to keep them from damaging blood vessel membranes. This helps the flow of blood to the heart and brain and can against cancer causing damage.

Now to the good news - the best antioxidant food is normally consumed for enjoying life. So why not get started today with a healthier eating lifestyle

There are various types of antioxidants. So it is important to balance all the following foods to reap the healthy rewards as part of your everyday diet.

Two glasses of red wine a day provides a great source of antioxidant. If you don't drink vine you need to drink 7 glasses of orange juice to get the same effect.

Dark chocolate provides one of the richest sources of antioxidants. What you must not forget is that chocolate is high in fat and if you are on a diet – bee careful.

Apple juice is rich on antioxidants and has some pleasant side effects. Apple juice helps prevent against heart disease, as it helps stop fat turning into cholesterol.

Many people eat carrots. What they don't know is that carrots are a valuable antioxidant. Five or more servings on a week is recommended to take the strain of the immune system.

Green tea is a much healthier choice than black tea. Drinking green tea is can cut hypertension by 65% or more.

You have in this article learned about some of the best antioxidant food that slows the aging process. You have no excuse not to start today. Make smart food choices while still enjoying your life and your family.

How to Get Around Excuses for Not Exercising

Over the years, there have been people making up plenty of excuses to avoid exercising. Some of these excuses are creative, some are ridicules, but most are in a group of common excuses used everyday to justify not having to make the effort to improve their health and well being.

How many people do you know who were going to start exercising and start getting in shape and they were going to start this coming week, but that was two weeks ago and they still haven't started yet? What excuse did they have this time? Maybe this has happened so many times, you stopped counting. Maybe this has even happened to you more times than you can remember. Well, what's stopping you?

Here are some of the most common excuses used by people to not exercise, and the ways that you can get around those excuses if they have plagued you and are stopping you from partaking in a healthier lifestyle.

By far and away, the most common excuse used today is; "I don't have the time to exercise". The old perception that you have to exercise for 1 to 2 hours a day is just nonsense. A good, solid exercise routine doesn't have to last for more than 20 to 30 minutes a day to be very effective. If you can't find up to 30 minutes a day to exercise, then how do you manage to find up to 2 hours or more a day to watch TV?

Another popular excuse used often is; "I can't afford to pay for a gym membership or for home equipment". The fact is, you can get in better shape and lose weight without ever setting foot in a gym. Walking and or jogging around your neighborhood or in the local park don't cost a dime and will give you all of the benefits of a cardio workout at the gym. Doing callisthenic exercises such as crunches and pushups and so on at home also cost nothing. Home fitness equipment can also be purchased that will give you a good resistance workout for under $50.00 such as resistance tubing bands and an exercise ball.

"I don't know how to exercise or what exercises to do" is an excuse that gets used from time to time, but there are several ways to learn how to exercise right and what exercises to do. Using the services of a qualified, certified personal trainer is the best way to get you going in the fight direction. If affordability is an issue with a trainer, there are workout videos and books that you can buy to help you out, you can even find loads of exercise books at your local library that you can check out free of charge
Another excuse that seems to be fairly common is; "I'm too old and/or out of shape to start exercising". This excuse is really only valid if your doctor has told you that you should not exercise for some medical reason. If you are very out of shape or you are a senior citizen, then you may just have to start out slowly. Even starting out with only 5 minutes a day of exercise and slowly increasing as you go is much better than doing no exercise at all.

Last but not least and by far my favorite excuse is; "I hate anything to do with exercise". This one always gives me a laugh. Most people who really think they hate exercise do so because they are stuck with the image that exercise is a series of boring, grunt and groan exercises involving heavy weights, or jogging far enough to complete the Boston marathon. The old adage of "no pain, no gain" is still embedded in the minds of many people, and who wants to have to go through pain every day to get in better shape? Exercise is really all about getting active and getting your body moving. Even playing in a softball league or hiking on a trail or bicycle riding is good exercise. Just find activities that you like to do and you will find that exercise can be fun.

Ok, no more excuses. The time is now. Making the time to spend even 30 minutes a day to get active, get in some exercise, and get yourself more healthy and fit will by far be the best thing you can do for yourself and your family. Think of how much more you can enjoy doing the things you like to do when you are in better condition and better yet, think about how much more you can enjoy your children as they grow up and how much more you can enjoy your grandchildren later in life.

Top 5 Strategies to Effective Public Speaking

I was never a huge fan of public speaking. I was always very nervous and had this overwhelming feeling the audience was judging my every word. I now know how to overcome my fears and deliver a memorable presentation.

I have summarized for you the top 5 strategies I use to make sure every presentation is a showstopper.

Realize 90% of Nervousness Doesn't Even Show

The audience usually can't see the telltale symptoms of nervousness. The butterflies, the shaky hands or the sweaty palms. The key is for you to not focus on them either. You need to focus on the audience. When you do this two things will happen: 1) they will like you more, and 2) much of the nervousness that you feel will go away.

Don't Avoid Eye-Contact.

When we are nervous, it is a natural reaction to want to hide. When you are standing in front of a group of people where do you hide? You can't. So you will tend to look down or look away from your audience. If we can't see them they can't see us, right? Wrong.

The other trick people try is to look over the tops of their heads. The idea here is that by looking a peoples foreheads, they will think you are looking at them. Wrong again.

You need to look directly into people's eyes with kindness. Create a rapport with the audience through your visual contact. If anyone smiles when you look at him or her, smile back. This will make you, and the audience, feel more at ease and will make your presentation more genuine.

Identify three people in the audience whom you want to speak to: One on your left, one in front of you and one on your right. Deliver your speech to these three people. Look at each one for about 4-5 seconds and "switch target" to the next person. Don't maintain eye contact for too long. This will create an uncomfortable situation. You don't want to creep people out.

By using this technique, it will give the impression to the entire audience that you are making eye contact, because you are sweeping the room with your glances.

Don't Apologize.

Never start a presentation with an apology. By starting a presentation with an apology for your nervousness or for having a cold, you are drawing attention to something the audience may not have noticed. You are also announcing to the audience, "the presentation you are about to receive is less than you deserve, but please don't blame me."

Avoid Rushing Monotone Voice.

A fast paced monotone speech is a sure-fire way to make your audience feel unimportant. It will also cause them to lose focus and become bored. How many lectures did you sit through in school listening to a monotone professor drone on about whatever subject he was teaching? How much of those lectures did you actually remember?

You don't want to subject your audience to this same torture and you want them to remember what you talked about.

You can easily avoid monotone messages. Before saying a word think about the value of your message. Think about the aspects that create passionate feelings. Think about speaking clearly with compassion. Smile. Tell yourself a joke. Take a huge confidence breath.

Use eye-contact, positively say "you," and flow with the message. If you do, you'll hear, "I felt like you were speaking specifically to me." That's one of the best compliments you can get. And it proves that you're speaking TO not AT the audience.

Limit your talk to a few key points.

Narrow down your topic to either one key point for a short talk, or three key points for a longer talk (a talk longer than 30-minutes). Ask yourself, "If my audience only remembered one thing from my talk, what would be the most important thing for them to remember?" The more points your presentation has, the less focus the audience will have on each individual point. Once you have your key points, then create your PowerPoint slides.

If you remember these five key points, you will be sure to knock-em dead

A Publisher's Rant - Why I Hate Your Byline

I'm a publisher for numerous sites. I HATE many of your articles. Here's why I hate the byline of your article and what you can do about it.


The byline of an article is your chance to pimp your site and yourself. I don't really care what you write. There only time I would forgo using an article because of the byline would be if you're one of those people that writes seven or eight lines of text. Please try to keep it to three lines or less.

Something To Consider

If you're writing articles, you undoubtedly know it is a great way to build the link count for a site. Assume you put two links in the byline of an article. Assume further that 60 sites publish your article. You have effectively generated 120 links for your site, a number that would take forever if you were pursuing reciprocal link trades.

Article links are also valued highly by search engines because they are inbound only links. In the "minds" of a search engine, inbound links are far more valuable than reciprocal links. Inbound links are interpreted as an indication the site in question has highly relevant information and should be ranked high in search engine results. If you don't believe me, give some thought to the IRS.

The IRS has an excellent site covering every tax topic you could possible imagine. The IRS doesn't link to anyone, yet it ranks at or near the top of the search rankings for practically every tax keyword phrase. Why? Roughly 971,000 sites link to the IRS. These sites include CPA firms, newspapers and so on. All of the links are inbound. Get it?

Keywords and Bylines
When writing your byline, don't just blabber on about how great you are and so on. You are wasting the links when you do so. If you need an ego boost, go talk to yourself in front of a mirror. Instead, the byline should contain the keywords you emphasize on your site. If you do this, the search engines will associate the links with the keywords and move the appropriate pages of your site up in the rankings.

Assume you've written an e-book on how to lose weight and have a site. Assume further that your primary keyword phrase on the home page of your site is "how to lose weight". Your byline should read something like:

"Halstatt is with http://www.domainname… - teaching people how to lose weight permanently. Dropping pounds is easy to do once you learn how to lose weight."

You've now correlated your inbound link increases to the keyword phrase you are trying to get ranked under. Rankings are sure to follow if you keep pounding articles.

Unfortunately, most people write bylines such as:

"Halstatt was a fat slob until he had a moment of enlightenment after eating bad sushi. While spending a miserable night in the bathroom, he found that food poising was an effective way to regain his self-respect and get washboard abs. Visit http:www.domainname to read more."

Do you see the difference? The first byline is going to move you up the search engine rankings quickly. The sushi byline isn't going to help nearly as much. It doesn't even include the correct keyword phrase!

Again, I rarely discard an article because of a byline unless it is over four lines. Many of you, however, could get better mileage out of yours.

My Favorite Cheesecakes

Lemon, vanilla and the more elaborate concoctions such as pumpkin, chocolate chip, cranberry and blueberry are just a few of my favorite cheesecakes. The delight you experience when you take that first bite of your favorite cheesecake can be exhilarating and soothing at the same time.

And remembering loved ones at gift-giving time brings to mind even more exciting flavors that are available like raspberry, Neapolitan, being cherry and key lime, another of my favorite cheesecakes, and one sure to be your favorite as well once you give it a try. There are times when nothing but the best will do, and that's the time to decide to give a freshly baked cheesecake instead of flowers and chocolates.

There are many sources from which to buy your favorite cheesecakes. There's the frozen section at your supermarket, specialty retail shops, and now the Internet is a reliable source as well. Ordering online is an experience in itself as you browse through the pages looking at luscious Gourmet Cheesecakes that are sure to please everyone on your gift list. Once you make a selection, the cheesecake is packed in a special container and can be delivered as soon as the next day for your convenience.

You are certain to find a cheesecake to please even the most discriminating palate when you view the selections and discover a world of delicacies that can be yours at the click of a button. Cheesecakes are usually available with a crumb crust or a more traditional crust that has been rolled thin.

And don't forget the wonderful selections of a unique personalized cheesecake for special occasions such as anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, Secretaries Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day and other occasions to make cheesecake a favorite with everyone.

Send a Cheesecake to someone special today.

A perfect cure for the problem called Erectile Dysfunction

Do you find it difficult to have an erection or does the erection lasts for very less time leaving you sexually unsatisfied? You may suffer from "Erectile Dysfunction". Don't panic, you can get it cured.

Erectile dysfunction is defined as a sexual dysfunction which is characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis for satisfactory sexual intercourse regardless of the capability of ejaculation. It is also known as impotency. It is found that one in ten people suffer from erectile dysfunction. So don't worry, if you are one of them.

Cause for erectile dysfunction may vary from person to person. Medical problems such as diabetes, hypertension, and atherosclerosis are found to be the main factor causing erectile dysfunction. Stress, anxiety or too much alcohol often causes temporary erectile dysfunction. It is commonly found among men by age 45, most men have experienced erectile dysfunction at least some of the time.

There are various alternative treatments available for Erectile dysfunctional such as PDE-5 inhibitors like levitra, injection therapy, urethral insertion tablet, vacuum devices, surgical implants and many other oral medicines.

But, in case if you are looking for the best option to erectile dysfunction, then levitra is the best option. Levitra can work as an effective alternative to erectile dysfunction. It works by blocking an enzyme called phosphodiesterase-5. It then relaxes smooth muscles in the penis thereby improving the blood flow. Once blood flow is changed, a natural erection can happen. Thus, giving a solution to all your worries related to erectile dysfunction.
You can obtain levitra prescription from your doctor. In case, your busy schedule doesn't allow you to go to your doctor. Don't worry now you can get the levitra prescription online that too from licensed physicians. Levitra is a round shaped orange tablet which is to be swallowed available in strengths of 5mg, 10mg or 20mg. Levitra taken around one hour before sexual intercourse helps the Erectile Dysfunctional patients in attaining and maintaining erection when he is stimulated sexually. It does not work on its own, sexual stimulation is a must.

Order the required levitra online. Just fill in the online form on the online pharmacy websites; it will save your valuable money as well as time. Erectile dysfunction may cause distress in sexual relationship with your partner. Overcome this problem boldly with the right option that relieves from all the stress adding new color to your life.

Track calls and SMS on your Windows Mobile phone

Spb Phone Suite Review

Spb Phone Suite is designed to enhance your PDA with new features, missing in the phone side of standard Microsoft Windows Mobile 5. Once installed, it'll add phone profiles, missed call notifications, unread SMS notifications, call filtering, reject and reply with SMS, photo-dialing, photos in call log, automatic profile and these are just a few things to name!

To start with, you will discover a powerful Today plug-in where you can see the most frequently used options, such as photo-dialing (called "photo speed dials"), counters for missed calls and SMS messages, profile manager, call filtering mode switcher, and other phone related controls and indicators. You will see all important phone related data at one glance and access any option with just one tap. Fine, isn't it? But let's cut to the chase.

One of the best in Spb Phone Suite and "most wanted" in Windows Mobile functions is profiles. Phone profiles allow customization of ring, alarm tones and volumes (Normal, Silent, Loud), as well as the settings for Bluetooth, WiFi and backlight. As it is with any other option in Spb Phone Suite, profiles can be customized with just a tap or two. There are also automatic profiles that get triggered on some events automatically; this includes such profiles as Headset, Car, Meeting, and Cradle. Now you don't have to worry about triggering the silent mode for scheduled meetings. You can also set a profile to activate for a certain time interval. If you'd like to make your own custom profile in addition to the default ones, the program provide you with this opportunity. Any profile can be changed in a couple of taps from the Today screen.

The photo-dialing option allows you to add a photo avatar to a contact in order to dial a contact with just one tap. To add an avatar, you need to go to the settings dialog or simply tap and hold on the dialer area. Spb Phone Suite lets you use 14 photo-dialing avatars on the today plug-in. If there are no photos for a contact, you can choose a default avatar from the inbuilt collection.
Other interesting features include "Reject and Send SMS" option, which is useful when you are not able to answer an incoming call. You can drop it in three taps with an SMS message containing a predefined text. Besides, there is "Call Filtering" that will help you create white lists ("pre-approved" contacts list) and blacklists. With this option in place, your PDA can accept all calls, accept all calls except those from the blacklist, accept only white list contacts, or ignore all. Isn't it cool or what? What's more, you can set up wildcards (masks) for numbers from blacklists and white lists and an ability to change the filter from the Today screen.

If you think the above mentioned features are something your PDA is missing and wish you had them, then you are invited to download an evaluation copy of Spb Phone Suite. You can test it free of charge to see its possibilities and benefits. Download now!

Compatible devices list 

Windows Mobile 6.0, Windows Mobile 5.0, Pocket PC 2003, Pocket PC 2002
ACER: n300 Series, n30, n50, n20 and others
ASUS: A626, A636, A639, P505, P525, P535 and others
Cingular: 8125, 8525
Dell: Axim X3, X5, X50, X50v, X51v and others
Dopod: Dopod 838 Pro, Dopod 686, Dopod 699, Dopod 828, Dopod 900, Dopod P100, Dopod N800, etc.
Eten: E-Ten G500+, E-Ten M600+, E-TEN Glofiish, Eten M700, etc.
HP: hw68xx series, hw69xx series, hx21xx series, hx24xx series, hx29xx series and others
HTC: TyTN, Wizard, Prophet, Hermes, Artemis, Universal, Herald, P3300, P3600, P4350, P3350, X7500, Athena
IMATE: i-mate JASJAM, i-mate JAMin, i-mate PDA-N, i-mate K-JAM, i-mate JASJAR and others
O2: XDA series
T-Mobile: MDA series
QTek: 9000, 9100, 9600, S100, S110, S200, G100, 2020, 9090
Other Windows Mobile Powered Devices.

Be Happy! Home is the Happiest Place to Live in

"The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family."-Thomas Jefferson.

The world may be a dreary, dreadful, and dangerous place to venture into. There may be cut-throat competition in which survival of the mean, cunning, and bully only is possible. It may not be a place for gentle, honest, and kind person like you. It is full of murderers, criminals, rapists, and swindlers. They are ready to snatch away the loaf of bread from your hand. You need a sanctuary from them. You need a place where there is love and care, understanding and compassion, give and take. You need somebody who could guide and protect you. You need somebody who could be equal partner in your joys and sorrows. You need somebody upon whom you could shower your love and care. You need a home and a family.

Parents sacrifice a lot and endure great hardships in up-bringing their children. They are selfless in their love and can even lay their lives for the protection of their children. A spouse is a life time partner in your days of sunshine and rain. Brothers and sisters are your friends and supporters. Your children are your life time fans who love you unconditionally. The love, care, and support of family is a great happiness. Blessed is the person who has got a family. And who amongst us has not got one? But we take family for granted. We don't recognize it as a great source of happiness. The more happiness you give to your family the more you extract out of it.

You are born into a family and grow up within a family. A family not only provides comfort, enjoyment, and security, but it also gives emotional and spiritual bliss. In fact, one may find so much happiness within family that he or she may not need to search it outside it. The love and care of mother and father, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters, wife or husband sustain us. Though love is one and the same yet the love of each is so different too. A family may extend beyond these immediate relations and may include grand parents, grand children, in-laws, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, and other relatives.
Can all the money of the world buy the love and affection of one's parents? Can one be happy without them? How much enjoyment and happiness they add to our life? Similar is the case with brothers and sisters. At a later stage of life husband or wife becomes practically the sole arbiter of our happiness. Man or woman's happiness nearly entirely depends on his or her spouse. At a still later stage sons and daughters become a great source of happiness. Bertrand Russell said, 'I have found the happiness of parenthood greater than any other that I have experienced.' Family relations give happiness, but at the same time to be a relation also gives happiness. It is happiness unlimited to be a son, a brother, a sister, a father, a mother, a husband, and a wife.

When you kiss your child, don't you get a kiss in return?

When you hug your sister, don't you get a hug in return?
When you love your spouse, don't you get love in return?

Be Happy! You have your family which loves you!


Flash USB Drives: Backup Easily, Conveniently and Securely

Tired of switching CD/DVD discs while backing up? Flash USB drives to the rescue!

If you already backup often, you are doing the most you can to secure your files against accidental file deletion and recovery, file damage and what not. Also, you may be considering making your backups as easy and painless as possible. So what may be a remedy to this issue?

Naturally, you need to consider several backup media and select the one suiting your needs and requirements. Among all, CD, DVD and flash USB drives are considered.

You may as well use CD to backup, but you will either need to dump CD-R discs often, or insert a CD-/+RW discs often to make another backup. Someone else can also misplace your backup CD disc or overwrite your backup data with other information. Moreover, a CD only admits about 700Mb of data, which may not be convenient. Nor is storing multiple CDs of your backup copy.

The same can be said about backing up to DVD. Of course, a DVD admits from 4.7Gb to about 18.6Gb of data, but is it really convenient backing up to DVD? An external hard disk drive or a flash USB drive will be speedier, more reliable and easier overall.

Here is when a flash USB drive comes handy. It not only allows faster data copying than CD or DVD, but can also admit from 256Mb to 4Gb of data (or maybe more). Moreover, you can take the USB drive with you anywhere you go and transfer the data between distant computers without resolving to FTP backup. Of course, one of the drawbacks of a flash USB backup is that the drive is only limited to about 100 000 writings, while another slight disadvantage (or an advantage, if you put it nicely) is that the device is so small you can easily misplace it.

PLR Content - Growing the 'Content Is Kingdom

We've all heard it, the famous phrase, 'content is king'. Well if content is king then how the heck can we go about increasing the number of content we are able to utilize. I mean we've all been there, feverishly writing article after article to use for submissions and posting to our sites and the more we write the less enthusiastic we start to become about create a successful online business. So, how can we get around the one thing that all internet marketers hate doing?

PLR Content To The Rescue

If you haven't heard about PLR(private label rights) content then it's basically this – content that you can take and use as your own to submit to article directories, on your site, in an email series or any other method where content necessary.

In Search Of PLR Content

So where is it? Where can you go to find a whole bunch content to use as your own? Well, there are many services out there that offer quality content that members are free to use in which ever way they deem appropriate. Of course the option of taking content from the many article directories out there is possible, however there is one thing that limits this method and that is the fact you are required to add in the author box that comes attached to the article you are wanting to use.

This means their link will also have to appear on your page, intern sucking out Google Page Rank that would normally filter through to the other pages on your site. The other disadvantage is the fact that hundreds if not thousands of other marketers out there would be doing the exact same thing. Having the same page on your site as thousands of other people makes it incredibly hard to rank in the search engines.

So What's The Other Option?

The other option would be to pay for your PLR content. There are many services that offer content to their members. This usually means you'll have to share the content with a limited amount of people. Only members will have access to the content, however there are some things you need to look out for.

Firstly how many people will have access to the same content as you? If the service you are looking at requires you to share their content with a thousand other members, then what's the point? You may as well go out and grab content from article directories.

Secondly work out how much you'll be paying per article. If a membership costs $100 and in that member ship you're going to have access to two hundred articles that would mean the cost per article is going to be $0.50. Therefore a membership that offered 400 articles would make the cost per article half of that.

The SMART Way to Set Goals

Goal setting is equal parts art and science. Many people create goals that simply don't work. If you're in business, you don't have the luxury of creating goals that don't work. You need to work effectively and you need goals you help you do it.

Here is a great way to create good goals that work… that keep you on track. They're called SMART goals and the acronym SMART will help you to remember the things that each goal needs to be:

* specific: Your goal needs to be stated in a way that is clearly defined. Saying, I should work more, is not a goal that will be kept. However, saying, I am going to work a total of 8 hours each day, is a goal that is much clearer and specific.

* Measurable: This is closely related to the above attribute except that it also includes a way to make sure you are on track. A goal that says, I want to make more money, isn't measurable. However, a goal that says, I want to earn $6000/month, is a far more measurable goal. It's easy to see, at the end of the month, whether or not you achieved it.

* Actionable: This means that your goal should be something that you need to do yourself in order to accomplish it. If you want to increase your income this year, it's not realistic to say, I'm going to win the lottery this year, because you have no control over whether you will win the lottery or not. However you might say, I'm going to increase my sales efforts by cold calling 10 people each day, which is something you can take action on yourself.

* Realistic: Goals that are actually achievable are much better and far more motivating. You'll feel better about yourself when you do hit goals than if constantly shoot for them and fall short. Realistic goals should not be so easy that you hit them every single time but should not be so hard that you never reach them at all.

* Time-oriented: Similar to the measurable attribute, your goal should have a timeframe for you to accomplish it in. Deadlines help people achieve their goals. If you anchor your goal to a time, you'll be able to watch your progress.

You can remember this with the acronym, SMART, so that when you're creating goals, you can create better goals for yourself. This is a popular goal-setting acronym in business, although occasionally the words are changed slightly to reflect the needs of the business.

Rule of 3 (not 2 not 4)

When arranging flowers, balloon bouquets, or business presentations, do you use the rule of three? With flowers and balloons, optically we prefer odd numbered or non-symmetric arrangements. Impress your friends with this tip, don't make a balloon bouquet of two or four balloons, stick with three!

Before I get to business presentations, I want to relate a cute baseball story to provide greater context for the rule of three.

Many years ago I coached T-ball with a fellow who was 6'10". At 5'7" it is safe to say I really looked up to this person. We were coaching five year old kids and this was their foray into baseball.

At one of our early practices, Bill saw me providing instruction on how to hit the ball off the "tee". He asked me what I was doing. My many years of baseball behind me, I guess I looked at him a bit dumbfounded. I explained I was providing direction on hitting the ball. One of my life lessons was about to begin.

Bill said, "Clayton, you can only tell the kids three things. It is all they will remember - if you are lucky!" Bill also suggested I'd be more successful if I related each point to something the kids could visualize or were clues to help them. Lastly he told me consistency and repetition is good.

So step one became how to set up in the batter's box. I suggested their feet became tree trunks with roots going into the ground so they didn't move. Our "code" when they approached the batters box became ROOTS! Second was to watch the bat hit the ball. Our code was to take our first two fingers and point to our eyes, as a reminder to WATCH the bat hit the ball. Sounded simple enough, and with practice most did. Lastly they had to remember to run. That is where the parents were quick to help coach by yelling from the stands RUN RUN when the hit was made. Our first batter in our first game hit the ball and ran ... you guessed it, straight out to second base and kept going! We learned a lot that year!

Bill later explained to me, not only kids, but adults have short memories. Tell them one thing they'll remember it, tell them two and you are still safe, tell them three and they may remember it but don't go past three. He called this the rule of three.

How do you leverage the rule of three in business?
- First, prioritize the three most important points you want to communicate.
- Second, relate each point to something familiar to your audience, capture their

     interest and   attention.
- Third, be consistent and repeat the three points to reinforce your message.

Think about your next presentation. What are the three most critical points you want to message? Do you begin and end by reinforcing them? If you are using PowerPoint, limit your bullets to three per slide. This forces you to think in threes and prioritize your communication. Lastly, how do your points relate to your audience? Are they a call to action? Why are they important? How will they benefit your audience? A wise person once recommended, "Tell them what you are going to tell them. Tell them. Then finish by reminding them what you told them!"

Start practicing the rule of three. You will be surprised how well it will work for you!

Depression - Finding the "Write" Solution!

Most of us feel depressed or "down" at sometime in our lives but, fortunately, it’s usually short lived. Some people, however, are unable to shake off their feeling of depression and are diagnosed as "Clinically Depressed". Many types of pills and drugs are prescribed but they often lead to addiction in addition to depression, thus creating a never ending downward spiral. Thousands, and possibly millions, of patients are convinced they’ll never recover which only adds to their sense of low-self esteem. Today, people suffering from depression seek alternative remedies such as acupuncture and various therapies. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the most popular as it encourages people to view their problems from a different perspective. It is one of the most successful therapies but not always available on a continuous basis which is essential if the patient is to benefit. People who struggle financially can find this particular therapy difficult to obtain on an ongoing basis as their appointments may be weeks apart. Wealthier people, of course, don’t encounter such problems as they have sufficient money for private treatment. Everybody would agree this is unjust but, regrettably, life is frequently unfair.

There are other methods of coping, such as self-help groups which some people find incredibly supportive. Friends and relatives can also provide a "shoulder to cry on" but very few are able to provide long term support because they are emotionally too close to the patient. The majority of friends and relatives find it hard to be objective. Some of them even go so far as to tell those suffering from depression "to snap out of it". This is fatal as this is exactly what they want to do but are unable to do so.

One of the best ways of coping with depression is to enrol in a creative writing course. Not an obvious way of coping, it must be said, but one that can produce amazing results. People who enrol in these courses are not required to have any qualifications apart from, obviously, a desire to write.

The reason these courses are so successful lies in the fact that people who attend them have to think about matters other than their problems for a couple of hours. This concentrates the mind wonderfully and allows people to perceive things in a different way which is reminiscent of the principals of cognitive behavioral therapy. The courses cover story writing, poetry, stage, screen and radio plays plus the outlines of writing a novel. Topics include characterization, plot, dialogue plus a host of other subjects. Each and every one can offer countless ways whereby people are able to release their innermost thoughts, desires and anxieties, so relieving considerable tension. 

Poetry offers one of the best methods of expressing emotion which in itself is extremely cathartic. Listening to other people’s views is also particularly therapeutic as, again, this distances people who are depressed from dwelling on their troubles affording them a welcome respite. Creative writing courses really do expand the mind and leave it open to new experiences which are of tremendous benefit to anyone suffering from low self-esteem. Writing, by its very nature, depends on self expression which often helps people to understand feelings which may have been suppressed for years. 

This can result in a completely new outlook on life itself. It is simply a question of being receptive to new ideas but the rewards can be huge. In a nutshell, minds become focused on looking outwards, rather than inwards, when involved in the process of writing. In accomplishing such an achievement creative writing must count as one of the best treatments in helping people to overcome depression. Enrol on that course today! You’ll find it can "literally" change your life.

Microsoft Word repair tool

Recovery Toolbox for Word is a program for Word file repair; it helps to repair docx files, if it was not possible to prevent data corruption. Many users regularly see error messages, when opening *.doc files. Stay calm, when Word unable to read file, we will be glad to suggest a solution. Recovery Toolbox, Inc. suggest trying Word file repair tools, that can be found on our website, just click on "Download" and save the installation file of Recovery Toolbox for Word to your hard disk.

Recovery Toolbox for Word features easy system requirements, this program will work on all PC's and with all supported versions of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Word. Word repair tools are easy to use, we believe, that instructions will not be needed in your case. However, we are always ready to respond all requests within a reasonable time. Feel free to forward us your opinion with regard to Microsoft Word repair tool and other programs to repair docx file.

All users can preview the data, when repair Word file and make sure, that the money will not be paid for nothing. The service of repair docx works, it requires minimal user intervention, so, the process of data recovery can be done even for beginners. You have a great chance to test this data recovery service for free; demo version is distributed without restrictions. Just do not forget to let us know your opinion about Recovery Toolbox for Word, we need it to improve existing services. Please register your copy of Recovery Toolbox for Word to remove all restrictions.

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